Monday, March 25, 2013

“You’re my best friend, Kairi! I couldn’t kiss you!” (commentary on ASASch11)

oh Sora logic...



starting off chronologically, so that I don't forget anything...

starting with ASAS, Sora and Kairi are... somewhere between 10 and 12 in those scenes in that last chapter. I'm not sure if there's a large gap between the two scenes. If there is, it would only be a year gap, not much more. heck, I could imagine the first scene happening sometime in the summer, and then the second happening whenever the heck their school had it's play. Mid-fall? *shrug*

I don't think Kairi knighting Sora actually meant anything. It... might, I suppose. It would be a fun idea to play with later, and maybe Sora will decide later that it is absolutely important and I'll worry about it then. As of right now, I can't think of any way it's important.
Well, besides like psycologically (that is the right term, right? it's the one that keeps popping into me head) for Sora, in the sense that he thinks because he's Kairi's "knight" he has to protect her and the fact that he hasn't, or didn't, or something makes him feel like he's let her down (good gravy, who are we? Riku? Or do I just ALWAYS have these similar themes in what I write?)

Already covered the Princess/Knight idea.

Though, if you care to know, that was THEIR idea.

as for why I used the name Joseph again... well... there may or may not be a scene in Dead Inside in which that is important, and when you see it you'll be like OH! THAT MAKES SENSE!!

however, that scene may or may not end up in Dead Inside. I've PLANNED for it to be there, but, uhh... there may or may not be some issues with putting it in. Oh well. We'll find out.

but, yeah, there is sorta a reason behind it...

ONTO DEAD INSIDE!!! (stupid shift key doesn't like to work... D=)

Does the darkness in Kairi's heart negate her Princess of Heart status?
uhmm... I honestly never thought of it working like that. I don't THINK it does. I think part of this is the universe still being out of balance, and so there is allowed room for this and there not be any issues.
I think...
I'll have to think more about that one. I could see why it WOULD, but I don't think it DOES (because, suddenly, book 5 wouldn't work... heh...)

on to something I DO know the answer to

(thanks Cookie for putting it this way, because until you said that I wasn't quite sure how to say it)
Shad is rubbing off on Kairi, and his darkness is having a negative on her heart. However, Kairi is not rubbing off on Shad. Yes, he is starting to develop a heart, but that is due to other reasons, not because of Kairi.

But, yeah, Shad's rubbing off/"poisoning" (as he put it) Kairi. It's only working because he's SORA'S Shadow, and there's some sort of connection between Sora and Kairi (might be that Princess/Knight thing, heh.) and Sora's darkness in general has a negative effect on Kairi.
Shad is just about ten times worse because he's a more... promient form of Sora's darkness and is spending one hel-heck of a lot of time around Kairi (sorry about that, he started to say the sentence... =P)

Sorry if you were expecting more details than that. I just lost my train of thought and I don't think I'm going to get it back...

moving on!

Cookie asked me this, and it's worth my time to join in the speculations to this "what if" with them

No, Kairi would not end up with her own Shadow, for starters. She is still a Princess of Heart, and there's no way her darkness could get THAT strong.

besides, there's a reason why I use the word "tainted"


she might not have actual darkness PRESENT in her heart. Her heart's just been tainted by darkness, which allows for Shad to mess with her heart. Not necessarily any darkness that's there, but just her heart in general
Because he's already made it known to me that it's not the darkness in someone that he always messes with. He just can mess with their emotions (there's a long rant. If it's not important to you right now, I'm going to see if said rant can wait til later, because I wrote it as if he were explaining it to someone, and he hasn't run into that someone just quite yet)
So... Kairi doesn't necessarily have darkness in her...

Her heart's just been tainted by darkness...

does that make sense?

Just thought of that right now.


back to Kairi having a Shadow. Well, I'm sure Shad would absolutely LOVE that. Well, actually, maybe not... he likes Kairi because she's bright and it's one of those "want but can't have so I want it more" sort of things (this is suddenly really awkward to explain in my head... huh...)
so... maybe he wouldn't like that...


ON TO ANOTHER POINT!! *glances through reviews*

I'm not sure if Kairi's dad actually told no one else to come in the ice cream shop or not. He might have. I wouldn't have put it past him to. But, I think they went relatively late at night, and maybe it was just a slow day.

I don't know.


I had something else to say...

One of those "y'know, I'm surprised no one asked about..."

but I can't remember what I wanted to talk about that I'm suprised no one asked about. I mean, there was that thing concerning Shad's rant that I'm just going to post later (unless you guys NEED an explanation now, or unless "later" becomes way to freaking long later and I need to explain it sooner)

oh yeah!

now that I think about it, though, it's not as important as I thought it was. so nevermind.

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