Monday, March 25, 2013

It fills my heart with rainbows! (commentary on ASASch10)

*snort* oh Ghirihim...


and it's not spoilers! Though, I'm sure Ghirihim would absolutely LOVE to do that, however...

this is Nintendo we're talking about. They don't kill people.

anyway! *headdesk*

I totally meant "at" in that author's note. I can't believe I had "out" and didn't catch it! And I read that thing like 3 times!!! KKBeckett, this is why you're my beta!

yeah, Aqua's just been yelled at a couple times. That was what I MEANT to say.

No, Ven is not in Sora's heart just yet. Though, that scene is towards the ending of BBS. I'm sure Ven'll find his way to Sora's heart sometime soon after that. Which... is another scene I need to write... 

Glad you guys all liked the scene! I had my "ug-gah-eoingsoiwoheienoign" moments, where I'm like "I'm only writing this because it needs to be there, even though this totally doesn't feel naturally" Me and Aqua have that problem every now and then. There's a certain part of her brain that I just can't seem to understand...

oh well

it all worked, and I'm overall pretty proud of that. 

especially the Keyblade Inheritance ceremony. I was sitting on the darn scene one night (metaphorically, though I want to pull it of literally now, just to say I did) and thinking "I need to make this different, I do NOT want Aqua to tell Sora the same thing that Terra tells Riku in canon. Just- just no!"
and then that came to me during math class. And I was really excited-

and yet incredibly hurt.

one of those "oh, THAT'S why you're so messed up..." moments.


PLEASE tell me I'm not the only one who gets those. I mean, did anyone feel that way when Terra passed the Keyblade to Riku? (which, by the way, if you watch closely, Riku's eyes light up at the "no ocean could contain you then")



I have at least one more scene of this little... saga thingy planned for you guys. Weeelll, it's two scenes, but one chapter..


the fourth one I started and then kinda hit a road bump in the middle of. I'm sure when I feel like it I'll pull it up and try and get around the bump. Until then, I need to actually work on Dead Inside...


I might have had more to say, but I just spent like the last half hour sitting here and watching like... three different versions of "Alice of Human Sacrifice" (and only one of them wasn't the Nico Nico Chorus version! I mean, I love the Nico Nico Choruses and all, but I happen to like Len's voice, and when you replace his part with a girl... anyway...)

that's all I hve to say.


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