Monday, March 25, 2013

What? Not another headache… (commentary on ch122)

erg... I guess it wasn't my glasses that was causing them...

oh well

The likeliness of me doing absolutely anything anniversary related on the anniversary itself has gone from "unlikely" to "most likely not going to happen" because my grandma decided she was going to come over and make me and my little sister dinner since my mom's going to help magik move back from Florida. That, on top of school, means that me sitting and just blogging all day (like I'd planned to do) impossible.

So, don't expect to be seeing anything anniversary related 'til the weekend.

Speaking ov anniversary related things, YOU CAN KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!! in fact *goes to put this in the update on fanfic* This'll be your last chance, though, because come Friday (at latest) I'll start answering them. 


For once, I think the video actually fits the theme of the chapter! Don't expect to have it happen again! were there AMVS with older posts? whoopppsss (I don't remember any because I apparenty didn't write it down idk)

I found this video ages ago, and I still love every single thing about it.

What's really weird, is one Russian gymnist used part of this song in her routine... it was really weird...


wonderful video


Having this chapter written from the shopkeeper's POV was something I consdiered shortly after consecutively writing the scenes between him and Sora and then him and Kairi. I figured, "why bother doing Sora's POV and then Kairi's, when I can just put it in the shopkeeper's and solve my frequently swapping POVs problem?"

actually, jk, for the life of me I honestly can't remember WHY I decided to write it from his POV. I think it was some stray idea, and I fell in love with it after developing the shopkeeper's character a bit more

I really love this shopkeeper, btw.

I'll have to post the original drafts of this scene-- Sora's POV and Kairi's POV, and then that one snippet of conversation between the shopkeeper and Sora that just didn't make it in... later...

Sora just did what I normally do when shopping in KH or a similar game. I just buy ALL THAT I POSSIBLY CAN THAT I THINK I'D NEED in rapid succession. 

Yes, that is Terra's wayfinder. Originally, it was just goign to be some charm that was said to be lucky and- I don't quite know where I was going with originally. But as soon as I thought that it could be Terra's wayfinder, all this stuff just clicked into place.

And you'll have to wait 'til book 5 to know exactly WHAT clicked

Sora's pocket's must be huge... I don't understand how heroes LITERALLY carry around all their equipment. Because, y'know, everyone from Link to Cloud does it. Normally, I wouldn't have even cared, but I'm starting to write my fanfic in a slightly more literal light...

Btw, the 500 munny is basically what he would've paid (added to what he already paid, of course) had he bought those elixirs at full-price

the extra 100 (that made the 600) would be for the full price of the hi-potions and ethers. Roughly. Give or take about 10 munny

I know it's not clear, but Sora hears Kairi coming. It's one of the things I lost when swapping from his POV to the shopkeeper's. Actually, I think it's the only thing I lost... and considering what I gained from the shopkeeper, it was definitely a good idea to swap POVs.

Oh, wait, I lost Kairi hearing Sora, too. Oh well. I'll post the original drafts of this scene... eventually....

That's all I can think of to say...

I'm gonna go start planning crud for the anniversary now...

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