Monday, March 25, 2013

Okay, so… (commentary on ch93)

has anyone looked at the last chapter I posted in Dead Inside? I have absolutely no reviews for it, and it's been up for a couple of days now.

is there like... a problem or something with fanfic?

did I just imagine posting it?

I am... so confused... (espeically because I'm looking at it on fanfic right now...)




and on the off chance that there really is something wrong, I'm going to give you some extra chances to back away and let me know that something is wrong



I had a lot of fun with chapter. I like being in different people's heads, and Toby was no exception. It's a nice different perspective on what's going on. Plus, I like Toby's like OVER-observation of everything, how he tries to take in every detail, and then he decides how he feels about something. It's just... I don't know. I like it.

That, and a different view on Joseph is always nice. I mean, Riku thinks he's annoying, Sora hasn't seen him enough, and I think Namine thinks of him as a nice little brother (someone to talk to when Riku's not around =P)

...there was a quote I was going to put here... but it has mysteriously gone missing...

fine then

another thing I like about writing for Toby, is that I can describe the energy inside of him. It's been such a while since I've done that. No one has rampant energy inside of them anymore, and I miss writing it. It's fun. I mean, really, the only people I can think of that do are Shad and Riku, and Riku doesn't think about it/have problems with it, and I don't write from Shad's POV often enough. The scenes tend to be from Sora's POV. I did however write one with Shad just recently that explained how he works his "magic" (can't think of a better word for it lol) and that was fun.

well that part of the scene was...


back to the chapter

because someone's bound to ask, Joseph still hasn't mentioned the Berserker incident to 29 yet. So he still needs to talk to 29 about it

oh, and when that Larxene Replica is disabled, everyone else sorta feels the "negative effects" of it. Thanks KKBeckett for giving me that one! (because before you mentioned that, I had no idea how to properly explain it =P) The reason WHY they do will be explained in the next chapter.


I think that's all I have to say


ohkay then

I should write anyway

but if you excuse me, I think I shall go listen to this for the 20th time today

(note: I'm not entirely sure if this was the song I posted here, because I didn't write it down with the rest of the backup of this post, but my memory says it was this song... so...)

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