Monday, March 25, 2013

I think I got sand in my pants (commentary on ch107)


for starters, check out the last post for rough draft of the previous chapter


the Soundtrack page has been updated (finally!) check it out if you feel like it!


And… now we reach the point where the special chapter seems REALLY AU *cough* Toby hasn’t met Sora *cough* nor do he and Joseph know about the bandages/scar *cough cough*


"little kids notice some things that grownups don't"

no idea what I was referring to. It's a good thing that I become more descriptive in my thoughts later (the last set of notes I wrote was about two chapters... heheh...)

However, I have a feeling that this is referring to how Toby notices that Kairi looks kind of upset and Joseph and Namine don't notice until it's pointed out to them

and grownups think kids overlook stuff (though, admittedly, they do look over ALOT. but, still, they are quite attune to other things...)

Next note is me wondering how hard it must be for Kairi right now.

I mean, if you think about it, she's never NOT had a friend. She's been with Sora her entire life, and even when Sora wasn't around, she had Selphie and to a lesser extent Tidus and Wakka. But after all that's happened, she doesn't get along well with Selphie anymore, and Sora's not thre, so all she had was Namine-
then Namine left...

poor girl.

It's no wonder she befriended Shad without second thought when he showed up...
I realize that I’m totally exaggerating Namine’s drawing abilities. It isn’t humanly possible to finish drawing a picture (a good looking picture, including coloring) in less than an hour, let alone only in only a few minutes. I don’t care if it’s not heavily detailed or anything, it still shouldn’t be possible. I think. I mean, it typically takes me about three to get a picture traced and colored. I'm not sure if free hand takes longer *cough* can'tdrawfreehand *cough cough* or anything, but I still don't think it's humanly possible to finish a picture so fast

but, whatever

there was also this little detail that was supposed to go in, but it got cut (it would require making them talk more, and neither of them wanted to talk anymore)

see, Kairi draws some random picture in the sand, probably something really rough of her and Sora when they were kids (considering drawing in the sand doesn't equate to very detailed pictures). I'd see like... little stick figure them fighting some big blob that's supposed to be a monster or something

and she's about to erase it

then Namine sees it and she's like "OHMYGOSHDON'TERASETHAT!"

and Kairi pauses

and Namine quickly transfers it onto paper (probably adding more detail as she goes)


I would need more conversation after that, and as I said, none of them were talking.

I mean, I had planned for Namine to talk a bit more about Riku, but, that didn't happen either (if it did, Joseph would've dragged Toby off again, complaining that they were talking about stupid girl stuff and that he didn't want to listen)



that's it

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