Monday, March 25, 2013

Eh? (review replies for ch101 and 102)

for starters, Fanfiction stopped sending me emails for when I get reviews...

which is weird, cuz I got emails for reviews just yesterday... but... whatever... I guess...

now, to the OTHER order of business

I have been looking this for a couple weeks now, and I finally found it! (thanks LoliWithAnExcaliborg from youtube, even though you probably aren't reading this...)

Anyway, lemme speil about it for a second. Y'see, I started my search for this song after hearing it in episode... 15, was it? I think it was earlier... right. Episode 13. And It sounded pretty awesome, and I was like "gee, where is this from? I really want to find it on youtube (without them talking over it) so I can put it in like three different playlists so I can listen to it frequently!"

oh, and if you are curious, Stupid Mario Brothers is a youtube series directed by a guy named Rich Alvarez (richalveraz). While, no, I'm not entirely suggesting "OMGTHISISTHEMOSTAMAZINGTHINGEVERYOUNEEDTOSEEITRIGHTNOW!!" It isn't a half bad series (after season 1, that is, which you can watch all of in probably less than in hour and is sheer stupidity) If you have some spare time and don't mind sitting through the stupidity that is season 1, I suggest you might want to watch it. It certainly is interesting.

Though, I will warn you in advance. Episode 1 has A FREAKING LOT of cussing for about the first minute. The cussing goes down to a more reasonable level after that, though. I mean, they still cuss, but it's not obnoxious or anything.


spiel over

now, about the chapter!

oh, hang on...

quick reminder, in case you haven't read my LAST post about this (which you should, because... you should)

I most likely will be taking a short hiatus to try and catch up with all my writing, because I am behind, have a paper due on friday, and a book I need to read for English. I mean, it's not a lot, but I certainly am behind (see last post for spiel on that)



apologies, first, for it being painful to read. I really am sorry, Cookie (though KKBeckett mentioned it, too...)

Now, for the question concerning Sora's necklace, and why it means so much to him:

well, Flightfoot said that Kairi gave it to him. I don't remember saying that, but I can see how it was implied, and I'm not saying it's wrong. I'm not saying it's right, because it would certainly make a ton of sense, and I did consider it (I just didn't go into detail on it. It's not like I needed to. Maybe I will later.)

my other explanation was relatively simple. I mean, if you've ever worn any sort of jewelry, or a watch, or something, you know what it's like to get used to it being there, and then when you take it off it feels extremely weird. So part of it was that, enhanced by the fact that Sora was freaking out/not entirely okay at the time. 

I might be going into too much depth...

I'm going to shut up about this now.

Because I'll probably find out in about a week or so that Kairi DID give it to him, and then all this explanation isn't entirely necessary.

and... Shad being a jerk was the only other thing that was mentioned. Cool. 

I should go get started on that paper now...

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