Monday, March 25, 2013

I’ve realized something about myself… (commentary ch118)

I have a secret thing for VenxVan. I'm not sure if I should be disturbed, or...
more importantly
~song the Fighter aslkdfj Zerith feels I'm too lazy to embed it but here's a link

It's been a while since a song has made me cry. But I was listening to this, I had the lyrics up, I was kind of singing to it (it's a fairly simple song)-- and then I got three minutes into it and it was like fdosifdsiofhsdoifnsdofjisdflsdjfoisdfns and I sat and cried for the next five minutes

I don't think I (currently) know of a song that could possibly be more Zerith (ZackxAerith) than this one.




A SLIGHTLY INTERESTING I SUPPOSE POST ONE POST AGO (which, apparently, is having some trouble with comments. So, if you commented on the last post, and I haven't answered it, there is a chance that Posterous for some reason didn't process the comment. Please check and make sure that any comment you might've posted is still there)


For starters, some of your reviews confused me. Quite a few of you were like "oh yay! Kairi's getting her faith back in Sora!! this is great!!" (I paraphrased) and that confused me, because I knew that THIS chapter was coming. I kept wondering if the flow of the conversation was off, because we go from Kairi having faith in Sora to this shouting match in her refusal to believe it-- But neither of my beta's complained about the flow, and I read through it and the flow seemed fine-

I'm still a bit confused, to be completely honest.

I guess I'll stop worrying about it

My first part of the notes, it seems like, center a bit more on the previous chapter. Apparently I cried a lot while writing this, but considering this chapter is the shouting match- hmm. I just keep confusing myself...

Okay, well, something I know for certain: the idea for this chapter came to me after my English exam (freaking two months ago. I thought I'd get more done in the summer, and it actually feels like I'm getting LESS done...) I had this image in my head of Leon getting to his feet and yelling at everyone to stop yelling, but, y'know, they all had to be yelling first.

Apparently, I considered writing Shad's POV of this conversation

and Aerith's POV

and Riku's


Actually, from my notes, I apparently I was pretty convinced that Riku's POV of the conversation would be in the next chapter. That idea was scrapped, obviously.

This chapter is written from an almost omniscient POV...

and then it swaps to Riku's

And then to Joseph's!!

This chapter (well, whole conversation, really) is just "RANDOM SWAPPING OF POVS CENTRAL!!" (except it's not really random, but you get the point)

I love how they all yell "yelling"

Kairi! Stop demanding proof like that! You sound like-- *shudders* Spoilers. But still-- STOP IT!

Random note, I wrote this in my journal and both times I wrote "proof" it ended up having three o's


I think that's it.

Oh wait!

Don't think Cid's spear has enough force to knock Riku into a wall and pin him there? Well, tough. Because I say it does, and I'm the author.

kay, that's it.

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