Monday, March 25, 2013

Commentary on ch26 of ASAS/Zack’s death

Unless you REALLY want to spoil yourself (not that there's much to spoil)

Like I have with KH3D

even though it's mainly been on accident...
Anyone else heard things about KH3D that really want to make you strangle Xehanort, put a bullet through his head, and then shove a Master Sword through his gut? I've heard at least two different things.
I have also determined I absolutely need this game before I write book 5. Considering how long it's taking to write Dead Inside, I don't think that will be a problem.


the notes on this chapter are less of notes and more of every single thought I thought while writing this. Which are sometimes completely random. I'm going to type this all up anyway

So, I completely rehashed the scene. I pulled up the original document, read it, and thought "this is poop". My battle scene was, like, three paragraphs. It was ridiculous.

So I dissected it, and edited it and rewrote it
(Lucky for you, because I expanded a freaking ton)

The only thing that I don't like about the rewritten scene, though, is there's this part that I had to cut out because it killed the flow. And I absolutely loved that part. It was towards the beginning, and Zack was just talking about crap and his pace grew increasingly faster so Cloud had to practically run to keep up with him, and he was tuning out most of what Zack said...
I thought it was funny

about here I start just sort of copying my notes I wrote during the chapter

on another note, I've found out that Xehanort is permanently an old man in my head. I know he's not, because he's possessed Terra's body and all that, but I can only see him as an old man. It's weird.


Aqua!! You are not in this scene!! SHUUUTTTUPPPPP!!!!!

(Terra, you can be quiet too)

*after pausing and glancing at my word count*

Ohmygosh it's happening again!!! But this time it's WOORRRRRSSEEE!!! My word count doesn't stop on a multiple of 10 ever time I pause (which it's done before from time to time. And it wouldn't happen just once, it would do that for like an entire day) now it stops on mulitples of 100!!! WHATTHEHECKKK!?!??

*after making a lot of changes to the rewritten document*

All these differences are some- ohmygosh it happened in my AN document too!!! I STOPPED AT 12900 WORDS!!! AOIDFHSOIFJSFOIWJEWAOIJwhatttt?


All these differences are somehow reminding me of Harry Potter, and the differences between the movie and the books. (fun note, the line: "That THING has a name!?" (Hermione in regards to Fluffy the threeheaded dog) is not in the book. Neither is any line even particularly clsoe to it)

*probably after Braig's disgruntled about taking so much of a beating*

"I didn't sign up to be collateral damage!!!"

(or, maybe it wasn't after that...)

All I know is that I went and looked up Braig to see if he spent any part of his battles in BBS upside down (which he does) and then I went and watched his scenes in Terra's story in Radiant garden.

Hence the quote

I have also learned that there's this phrase I picked up saying due to Merlin (TV series): "Be skeptical, Gaius, beee skepticall!!" (though, my favorite phrase I've said during that show is: "get my Master Sword out of Arthur's uncle, I need to chop Morgana's head off!!") Anyway, I don't just say that phrase to Gaius anymore (I'd say it to him because he's the only one you can count on to notice that something is wrong when Merlin doesn't, and "Servant of Two Masters" is definitely one of those episodes that he needs to be skeptical in). I said it, well, thought it, to Terra while watching those scenes in Radiant Garden.

Speaking of Xehanort (don't ask me how the heck any of what I just said recently applies to Xehanort, that's just what I wrote) I finally got around to watching the English KH3D trailer today (had to, it was the only full screenversion I could find to download) and I spent pretty much the entire thing "shooting" at him. (I'll usually do that to a video game or movie or TV show character that I don't like. For example: The Emperor from Star Wars and Arthur's uncle from Merlin). After a while I ended up saying "bang" as I was doing so, and my mom said to my dad very casually: "She's shooting at her computer... should we be worried about her?" I explained I was shooting at Xehanort (which my mom completely understood. LOVE MY MOM!) and said he was likea  cockroach who just KEEPS COMING BACK!!
Or Bowser  in that one game of Super Smash Brothers I played. I'd throw him off, and he'd come back, even though he had over 300 damage. It was ridiculous

"And my fight's with anyone who messes with him while he's working!"
Makes me think of Skyward Sword, and Ghirahim yelling at all the Bokoblins to make Link leave him alone.
My friend just beat Skyward Sword two days ago (insisted I come over and watch her do it) and so that scene's pretty fresh in my mind.

Btw, Ghirahim is awesome. He just is. Probably my favorite Zelda villain.

*during some point of writing the battle sequence*

Ugh, Zack has a sword! I keep wanting to type "blade" instead of "sword" but I know I use the word "sword" when referring to Cloud or Zack fighting.


Probably mainly because I happen to be listening to the music from the scene, but when I wrote the part with Zack attacking Xehanort from behind and Xehanort avoiding it, it reminded me of what Ven did in the KH2FM secret ending

Which makes me think of Dark Blizzaga

Which I've realized a LOT of KH villains ues! Xehanort uses it like three times in that scene, and Vanitas uses it at least once (he also uses some form of Thunder magic, but still... WHAT'S WITH ALL THE BLIZZARD MAGIC!?)


I love how most of my battle music for Paper Mario TTYD has all these random background sounds. I mean, yeah, sometimes it's annoying, but the battle music just wouldn't be the same without the sound of the curtains going up at the beginning.

*as the song on my iPod changes*


*After Xehanort tugs at Zack's darkness*

Xehanort! You don't play fair! *shakes head in shame*

While, tugging at Zack's darkness certainly disoriented him, I doubt it did much other damage.

Not that... it really matters... I suppose...


WAIT A MINUTE!! While, yes, Xehanort is permanently an old man in my head, you can't go calling him one, Zack! Because that doesn't work!!

*probably after one time that Zack runs to heal*

I know it's not just me who runs frantically away from some boss/villain when they unleash a large attack or you need to heal. It just occurred to me, though....
How weird do you look to that boss/villain when you do that?
Pretty weird, I bet... 

We've reached that odd point in my writing where the battle is borderline between realistic and what you would typically expect from a video game battle...


Oh! I know! Xehanort's using magic to avoid getting hurt like a normal person would (and he was probably kind enough to cast the same spell on Braig, too. Probably)

Zack, however, isn't nearly as lucky

*While planning to have Zack dodge away from Xehanort*

Does Zack backflip? No, that's just Link... Zack (and pretty much every other Squeenix character) dodgerolls.

Oh! Riku backflips! I forgot about him!

(Only really thinkg about this because I needed Zack to avoid an attack, and since I was playing Skyward Sword (helping my friend with the skeletons (Stalfos?) with four swords and deadly attacks) I'd often attack, and then quickly back flip out of the way before I could get hit. Which, btw, backflipping is probably my favorite way to avoid attacks in a Zelda game.)

Huh, that's all my notes.

Well, I will give you this random bit of trivia:
In the VERY FIRST draft of this scene, Aerith wasn't there. She didn't show up until the second draft (the one that you read is the third). In fact, the second draft was really only written to fix things so she could show up.

I wrote the Aerith's part while listening non-stop to "Hurt" by Thomas Bergersen. I was in school, at lunch, listening to random TSFH, and that song came on, and it was like: "INSTANT INSPIRATION!!" so I put it on a loop until I finished writing the scene

That's really it...

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